Jodie Gasson Holly Gibbons Show Pussy!

Edit: Everything written below is invalid, Niklas didn’t drink enough coffee this morning.

Woah! As you probably already know, showing pussy is taboo for UK glamour models because, the rules of the lad mags dictate that no pussy shall be shown on any page! This is why Lucy Pinder and others never show their love bits. Well, Jodie Gasson may not be the most established model in the lad mag game but she is breaking all the rules and shows her bare pussy in these pics from Babe Spotting!! NICE!

Now, let’s hope she will start a revolution and liberate the pussies of all British glamour models for the future! FREEDOM!!

Pictures from: Babe Spotting

Jodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussy

Download the FULL set at Babe Spotting – Sexy and nude babes from the UK!

Jodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussyJodie Gasson show pussy

10 thoughts on “<del>Jodie Gasson</del> Holly Gibbons Show Pussy!”

  1. this is not jodie gasson. this is HOLLY GIBBONS. if you look at pics of jodie gasson, she looks completely different. i repeat THIS IS NOT JODIE. THIS MODELS NAME IS HOLLY GIBBONS.

  2. Well, Anyone notice what I have?

    She may well be full nude, but if you all look carefully you see:

    1> in the pictures of her before she pulls off her knickers ( panties to you usa lot ) the pictures are all well lit and you see her body clearly?

    2 > But when she has no underware on and is fully nude even though the sides of her background she is posing in is well lit,
    Suddenly she is not well lighted and it is hard to see her pussy at all, one it is fully shaved
    ( not sexy, sorry I like a small landing strip look of public hair looks more adult )
    And sorry but she is abit fat looking, her waist should be much smaller than her hips, they are the same size! and her tummy is fat too?

    But I must say I think more uk models should bare all?

    Some international so called nude models pose in other world magazines where they say this model is nude in here? and you look at the cover photo and she is nude but coving her naughty bits! and you look at these “nude” pictures inside of the girl, only to see she shows f*ck all, you see her nude but abit of bare ass & legs & back etc. But no nipples or pussy or even a full nude bum back view?

    So most mags pay these models lots of money for a nude photoshoot which the girls do’t do a full nude set? if these models wish to to be known for their full nude posing then they should do it or piss off and make way for a upcoming model who will pose full nude?

    Moan over!

  3. i love how the brits always talk about americans being all fucked up when it comes to sex but seeing pussy is a no no. now who’s ass backwards? youd think with all the sex scandals in the government and monarchy of the 20th century over there you people would be a lot more open minded.

  4. That’s not Jodie Gasson, I’ve met her in persoperson. She’s dating a man out of st.louis, Missouri. The guy she is dating is a regular hard working man who is a 2 time public hero who has been given 2 medals of honor for putting his own life at risk to save other people. He’s fallen off a 30 ft. Cliff with 6 broken ribs, punctured lung, broken leg, 2 broke wrists, brazed his right kidney, pancreas, and gull bladder. He has also had a stand up heart attack, and 2 slight strokes. This man is recognized for heroism, personality, wealth, and the perception of cleanliness. He has made a profitable business out of cleaning up the Riverwalk wood lines. Jodie has been dating this man for 1 year now and is expected to move in with him in the next 3 weeks. She says she’s happier than she has ever been and will continue to be happy with him as long as he quits accusing her of making videos still. She said on a scale of 1-10 this man is a 50. He has helped her physically and mentally in all aspects of life. She said she has never met a man that doesn’t haft to pretend to be someone he isn’t, try to impress her with lies and things he’s never had. And he is dedicated. She said what he says he’s gonna do he does. He always gets things done. He’s ambitious, blundt, spontaneous, funny, witty, strong, kind hearted, and doesn’t give up. Jodie said that she’s in Love with this man and she’s ready to be with him for the rest of his life. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. He told her to keep doing the videos if she wants too. He said she doesn’t haft to stop doing what she does and he supports her 100%. Jodie is in love with this man.


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