Jessica Simpson had Dinner

Jessica Simpson showed her curves recently while leaving a restaurant! Looks like she got a little bit thicker again but I still say that body looks good in that tight dress. Her boobs look like they are about to explode out of that dress like Erika Eleniak out of a cake on a boat!

Celebrity sex scandals: Vivid Celeb

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12 comments on “Jessica Simpson had Dinner”

  1. blah says:

    I would put money on it that she is not Jessica Simpson.

  2. Michael says:

    Nah, that’s Jessica.

  3. Gary says:

    The lips dont match Jessica’s

  4. ( o Y o ) says:

    whoever she is (pretty sure that’s her) it looks like she just got the absolute shit fucked out of her.

    Nice Steven Seagal reference, NIklas.

  5. Davo says:

    Looks like she had seconds and desert too.

  6. D says:

    Anna Nicole Smith has risen!

  7. Russ says:

    i would say thirds and the dessert cart, but i’d still wreck it

  8. Wedge says:

    I like the guys calling her fat who would masturbate for days on end if a chick this hot sat next to them on the bus.

  9. wallhanger says:

    I don’t think that’s her. Jessica has a man-chin with a big dimple in the middle of it…

  10. Davo says:

    Just how how fat is your wife wedge? Anyway, please stop projecting and try to understand that many guys don’t dig fat chicks. You may like jacking it to whales but some of us have standards. Deal.

  11. Dan says:

    Without going back over all the pictures on this website, these pictures are the least exciting I think I’ve seen here.

  12. Jarg says:

    I want to see her in a bikini!!

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