Jenna Jameson is 39 and Looks Like This..

Jenna Jameson was out celebrating her 39th birthday…. in style…. ? …. by wearing a confusing outfit and green hair. I have to give her credit for that ass and camel toe but man.. her fall from being the world’s hottest porn star is pretty epic. Age with grace ladies…

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Jenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthdayJenna Jameson 39th birthday

17 thoughts on “Jenna Jameson is 39 and Looks Like This..”

  1. I guess I will always remember her from ‘The Masseuse’ and never, NEVER go past that image of her.

    Leaving post now before these images corrupt those memories!

  2. Wtf happened to her? She used to be so pretty then decided to invest her money on her plastic surgeon!
    Luckily I still got some of her early works to remember how good she was

  3. @boobman coke happened to her. and booze.
    she spent a long time pretending she was busy “having a family” but yea, the drugs were why she really stopped working, and this is what happens…

  4. I guess I am the only one who doesn’t think she looks bad, I like the look. I also like the hair do and the color. Her shoes are awful though.

  5. She’s 39 and took a lot of drugs in her prime. What did you think was going to happen, she’d be cute for eternity?


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