Jenna Jameson In Wax

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 2 /PRNewswire/ — Jenna Jameson, the adult film superstar and pop culture icon, was immortalized in wax today at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas.

And here is Jenna posing with her wax self. I think it looks pretty good, cool that they made her topless.
Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson

3 thoughts on “Jenna Jameson In Wax”

  1. They have selected the correct posture (though “doggy” is just as fine), yet they should have made it with a naked fanny instead, with 2 didlos (or 3) stuffing her two lower body-holes to their limits…

    That ought to portray her persona better to our grandsons.

  2. Her waxwork, and her latex boobs, don’t seem to match with the new slimline, smaller implanted Jenna in the Maxim pics.


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