She may not be as hot as she used to be but I’ve always wanted to fuck Jenna Jameson and now I can!!! Well, sorta. Jenna is having her very own Fleshlight, molded from the legendary pussy itself, released on January 15th. I’ve never owned one of these pocket pussys but I’m very tempted to get this one. Its Jenna! And, that close up looks nice.
You can pre-order her pussy at: Fleshlight
Did I mention that you can pre-order her pussy at: Fleshlight?
Think she looks way hotter with the more shorter/punky style hair
Hep C from a fleshlight?!?!?! When will the wonders cease?
Pretty sure there’s just a grocery bag inside.
are the fleshiglights good? do you recommend them?
does this come pre-soaked with 10 million guys jizz just like her?
Do they make them in extra small?
I have 2 fleslights and they are pretty good