Legendary porn star Jenna Jameson quit porn over five years ago and announced it onstage at the AVN Awards but, now it seems like she is changing her mind about that because she recently created her own profile at My Free Cams!! MFC has also confirmed that it really is her and not an imposter. She is hardly hurting for cash so I guess that she is doing this because she enjoys it. More naked Jenna gets the thumbs up from me either way.
So, if you’ve ever wanted to direct your very own porn with the most famous porn star of all time then head over to My Free Cams and search for TheRealJenna.
Video of her retiring:
Dammit. Despite the fact I like porn, I really find it sad. She has two twins and the time to make MFC sessions, and after she announced her retirement. The proof these kind of women are mind fucked, unreliable and will never have a normal life.
I’m more sad that she doesn’t look like the Jenna we all liked. She is almost unrecognizable. For me its too little too late.
I was a big fan, but that current form she has taken is not boner inducing at all