17 comments on “Jemma Lucy Cleavage at The Creme Charity Ball!

  1. Lance Burton says:

    That shit is tired and pretty fucking gross.

  2. Joel says:

    ghastly ink

    1. Iamking47 says:

      Y’all tripping on here. You’re not marrying this chick. She’s still stacked on the top and the bottom so I’d still get in between those thighs.

      1. steve says:

        She is all yours, better put some Kevlar on that soldier though

  3. Shmoo_usn says:

    Wow, if it’s possible to combine every single nasty thing into a single female I think this one hit the mark: Nasty implants, piercings, and excessive trashy inkwork. Bravo…the ultimate trifecta!

  4. mds_Z71 says:

    You gotta have mental problems if you tattoo your fuckin’ face.

    1. craig says:

      Got that right!

    2. Iron Balls McGinty says:

      No more than CONTINUALLY moanin’ about ink in a place that doesn’t have anything to do with it, and expecting it to go away. Yeah, there’s rocket science.

  5. craig says:


  6. mikeroyne says:

    what a fucking degenerate, covered in all that shit. i suppose is helps to distract from her looks, this bitch is busted. she looks like a melty realdoll that managed to have several birds shit all over her before she congealed

    next time lock the dumpster from the outside

  7. Unncle chester says:

    What the fuck happened to her nipple? Scaring much?

  8. iwudluvtoo says:

    You all think she looks like shit now…
    Wait until she is REALLY old
    Holy Fuck is all people will be able to say!

  9. derrrr says:

    As if there’s someone else with the exact same tattoo landscape.

    1. Don P says:

      Leak? Naked pix of her all over xhamster.

  10. Jume4 says:

    The ink is bad enough, but those scars! Did she put them implants in herself? With a rusty kitchen knife? Jesus.

  11. Palladium soul says:

    I legitimately find this attractive. Thank you Nicklaus . Some of us are honest . I love trashy slut bimbos

    1. mikeroyne says:

      who doesn’t love trashy sluts? they just have to be attractive & not covered in degenerate doodles

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