In my recent Jana Defi post, commenter Jeff stated that there are cell phone pics of Jana Defi having sex with her boyfriend and with his man juice all over her big tits floating around online. I had never heard of this and didn’t believe it until another commenter posted the following shots..
Due to new information these photos have been removed
She looks so much different without makeup but it ain’t no problem.
man this is awesome
Man, I hope she’s legal in these pics. Very nice.
Love these pics but DAMN body n tits save face…would have to look @ the body first if woke up to that in the morning
This might have been around the time of her nose job…. the bridge of her nose and eyes look a little puffy.
Yep, those are the pics I found. The face is not pretty but then again, its all about the tits.
Hi. i go the pics a couple of years ago, but heard that Jana claimed to take legal actions against the posters. Some people said she was underage in the pics and that was the reason of them been taken down. BTW, someone here also stated that, I dont see her in the pics as been that yooung, was she?
anyway, visit my blog also… thanks
Thank you baby jesus!
probably why she retired.
someone has to have another link to these pics? i’ve been searching for 20 minutes and can’t find them anywhere!
hey can u send me an email about why did u take them down? thanks..
Where did they go?!?
So we can’t see the pictures because she was underage but she can have cum splashed all over her? Double fucking standards.
And THAT’S why you gotta check this blog all the time. Never know when something so juicy gets posted and then taken down when the “authorities” get wind of it…
ohh god dammmn it!! I missed out yet again!!! Someone please post a link to them!!!
Shit…anyone got a link to them elsewhere???!!!
yeah, where can i find these pics?
i missed them 🙁
check the comments… sssshhhh
oh!!! thats hot! i thought theres a whole photo collection but just few pics, oh well at least we see her in hc stills 🙂
Theres gotta be more.. N e one know of any more
“There must be more!”
Love the internet mentality. We’re never satisfied.
“She needs to show her tits!” leads to
“She needs to do hardcore!” leads to
“She needs to do a mexican donkey show while getting a root canal!”
Hey, what’s wrong with root canal sex? Seriously, I’m glad I left my computer on the page from yesterday… it allowed me to be able to still download the images. If you look at the comments on Nikals’ link above, you can find them still.
Yep, if I had some naked pics on the internet I didn’t want people to have I’d say I was underage too.
Those were great but not enuff.
Count me in on the more is more crowd.
Yes someone, please post more links to this.
And I’m with the guy above as to the excuse for their removal. C;mon!
if she is now 27 how can she be underage in those photos? those photos were not taken 11 years ago! she has to be in her 20s in those photos.
please someone email me the picssssssss