Ivanka Trump’s Boob Job

Ok, so I admit. I was late on the whole Ivanka Trump got a boob job thing but Im more up to speed now and I will not reveal that I believe she got a botched job done! Just look at the pics below. Her right boob looks completely out of sync with the rest of her body. Some may argue that this is due to her dress but I really doubt it. She got a crap boob job in my opinion which is odd considering the amount of money she has.

Ivanka Trump Ivanka Trump Ivanka Trump

2 thoughts on “Ivanka Trump’s Boob Job”

  1. Ok. No. Nothing wrong with her boob job. She just didn’t put her bra/dress on correctly. You’re looking too closely.

  2. We need to see more pics of Ivanka, I guess I have not noticed her until lately but her boobs are huge and she is pretty hot!!


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