Israeli Nightlife

Im so mesmerized by this video. Looks like Israeli nightlife is pretty sweet! Until you get blown up by a suicide bomber that is! hehe… jokes.. jokes.. Im kidding…. but not really…

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Busty Video

15 thoughts on “Israeli Nightlife”

  1. those deleted cant even dance and are ugly as hell they should deleted. i would titty fuck them first.

    edited by: Niklas

  2. you should get more of those kinda honeys on the boobieblog
    cuz under them viels them chix are hot lol keep up the good work

  3. no surprise. ive been all over the world and israeli chicks are the hottest. full figured and gorgeous, I think it is the fact that their current population comes from all over the world, so there is a little of the best of everything there.

  4. Sad video. Four of the same chunky jewesses bouncing around. We American taxpayers give them $12 BILLION per year so they can build even MORE nukes, and this is what we get in return?? Fuck Israel.

  5. Hey, crowTrobot, not sure where you live, but I’ve known lots of very hot Jewish girls in Philly and Florida. I’ve even known some hot Catholic girls.


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