Irina Grandez and Daysi Araujo Makes Peru Proud during Copa America

The South American soccer fans really are the best in the world! We of course remember Paraguay’s Larissa Riquelme, who flashed her nipples during the 2010 World Cup and who has promised that she will run naked through the streets if Paraguay wins this years Copa America. Now, Peru is making a serious claim to having the best soccer fans with Irina Grandez and Daysi Araujo flashing their Peruvian boobs to the crowd during a recent game in Copa America! Brazil.. Argentina.. show us what you got!

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Soccer fans flash boobsSoccer fans flash boobsSoccer fans flash boobs

4 thoughts on “Irina Grandez and Daysi Araujo Makes Peru Proud during Copa America”

  1. What an ugly yellow skinned dog. Throw her back into the Amazon rainforest to be devoured by nasty insects and/or zapped by electric eels.


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