Interview With the Girls from Bitch Slap!

One of my most anticipated movies of 2010 is Bitch Slap! It’s basically three hot girls shooting guns and kicking all sorts of ass and there is supposed to be lots of nudity in the movie so what else do you need? Here is an interview with the actresses who star in the movie.

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4 thoughts on “Interview With the Girls from Bitch Slap!”

  1. That movie is pretty awful and there is actually no nudity in it. Its about as hot as a maxim photo shot video but at least julia voth is fucking hot.

  2. I have seen Bitch Slap and was entertained by it, more so than I thought I would be. Its a parody of B movies and Ex. films and should be viewed as such.

    Bitch Slap MOVIE REVIEW

    Bitch Slap Promo Spots: Girls Gone Wild, Public Service Announcement (PSA)

    Bitch Slap Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Poster, and Hot Pics

    Bitch Slap Cast Party 2009 Cannes Film Festival Picture

    Julia Voth Bitch Slap Wallpaper


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