We have seen nipslips, vagina and buttcracks but nothing compares to a real photoshoot. All New York magazine had to do was to mention Lindsay’s idol Marilyn Monroe and ask if she would like to re-create her famous photoshoot. She has glorious titties! Lindsay that is.
Nude and busty celebs: Big Boob Celebs
I tip you to this yesterday and not only do you not thank me, you don’t allow my post about it…not cool dude.
This is the most awesome thing I have ever seen……. so much waiting, no disappointment…… ok scarlett johansson, your turn.
1. All comments with a link in it is automatically held for a review and I havent done any comment reviews today so I still havent seen your comment. In other words, I got the pics somewhere else.
2. If you have any tips then pls send it to my e-mail. By the time I see the comment tips I almost always have seen the content before.
Soooo.. No malicious plan was aimed towards you 🙂
she has some damn fine tits, nice work Niklas
Boy! is she sexy or what!!!
Christ. That was worth the wait. O.O
WOW. Say what you want about her “issues,” but good christ that’s a body that just won’t quit.
yeah. if you like nasty freckles and saggy tits, then you like lindsay lohan.
honestly, you’re drooling over her because she’s lindsay lohan and you just think it’s hot that she finally let her tits out. that’s what happens when you stop getting movie jobs because you are a drugged out whore. get over it people. there are no-name chicks posted on this site who are 363245x hotter than this bitch.
saggy tits? what world do you live in? go hump a real-doll silicone freak.
Wow… ok, you know, since I was expecting the Marilyn Monroe Shoot Style I kinda wanted the one Playboy did…
perhaps she’ll appear there next.
i have bin waiting since me and lindsay were both underage for this. i am so happy.
james is a fag ,lindsay is one of the hottsst and freckles are sexy as hell
So what. See what a really good stylist and photographer can do?
She’s looks older than Marilyn ever did. Much harder looking. MM is one of a kind. Give it up.
Marilyn died 6 weeks after that photoshoot…..watch out Lindsay. 🙂
haha tom got owned
nice body
saggy tits? Those are totaly not saggy their perfect.So james if you want 100% silicons go to another site and complain about natural tits.
I’m actually kinda disappointed, her tits looked bigger in pics with her top on. But her body is still pretty nice.
She does have nice tits but I’m gonna have to agree with james… check out all those freckles! It’s almost hard to distinguish nipples from freckles! If she wasn’t such a scandalous celebrity these pics would mean nothing. If someone had no clue who she was then she’d only appear to be some girl with a webcam trying to make it in the world, there definitely are hotter girls out there than her.
I wish there is more clear picture that shows her nipple and bushes.
A lot of them is still hiding under those garment.
But thanks for posting.
definatly worthwile to see but nothing worth jerkin it to just nice to see and then never bother to look at again
i wonder how much they had to pay her for this
I’ve seen bigger lumps in oatmeal…
Proof that there is a God
Not a fan of the freckles
im gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that not jerkin thing.
TomVeil, I just wanted to point out, a tip probably was not needed for this! It’s one of the biggest stories out there.
Firstly, tits like that are huge for a girl with a junkie-esque skinny body like hers. Secondly, I admit she looks ridiculously over freckled in a white studio with 20 lights on her….. but just imagine what she’d look like in your skanky dark bedroom in your mother’s basement. Lets all just enjoy the pics, beat off and move on.
I don’t know what you people see in her? What a minger!
Gotta print some of these off and go…
yup that’s right. because i don’t think that lindsay lohan is hot, i obviously like fake tits. stop being ignorant and open your eyes to the freckly bitch who you only like because she’s famous. in the first picture, it’s easy to see the saggyness. imagine those things ten years from now. you can bet it won’t be pretty.
Right now they are great tits, but marilyn monroe was a hell of a lot better looking.
Man, just imagine how awesome these photos would have been before Lindsay started hitting the coke :(. Still nice tits though.
This is the greatest thing to happen to the internet, ever.
She has the worst looking skin i’ve EVER seen. I don’t understand how anybody would like that type of skin. YUCK.
sorry but this is an insult to Marilyn. Rest in peace Marilyn. I agree with george, she does have bad skin.
I have to agree with the minority. I think its just an infatuation our culture has with celebrities, leading us to think she’s hot and that it is a big deal now that her clothes are off, but lets face it..there’s a list of red links on the right side of this web page and at least 90% of them lead to better looking naked women than this.
Dang, she’s in her 20s and already has sagging boobs…. shit! Plus uulike the Real Marlyn M., she’s got a f#$kin straight boyish figure… dang.. where are those curves.
Sandy R.
I duno why you people hating on James. He knows what hes talking about. These photoz are disgusting, i mean they could of at least photo shopped them to make them look more toned and then they would have been much hotter. LL was not made to be a model clearly, theres no feeling in her face. If she was just another girl there is no way you guys would be jerkin it over her.
Hope to see even more of Lindsay’s freckled funbags!