Interesting myths on prostitution

When it comes to prostitution, there are lots of people who do not know the truth about sex workers. In this article, we will show you some interesting myths about this industry. Continue reading to find out more.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world

Well, let us chance this perspective. Although many would say that this is the oldest profession in the world, this is only a myth. Just because this profession has existed for a very long time, it doesn’t mean that it is the oldest one. For example, look at the slavery or at death penalty and you will see that this is only a myth. Also, if you want an escort Genova, you can have it whenever you want, but this is not called prostitution.

It is just a job like any other jobs

Let’s say that this is a regular job. If it is so, then how come so few girls from Western Europe take the opportunity? How come so many women are migrants? Does it mean that this job is only for the foreign girls in your country? There are trade unions in Europe that don’t see this job as a regular one. And, the truth is that it is not a regular job. This is exactly why it is still a taboo in many countries, even in those extremely developed. Prostitution is incompatible with safety and dignity.

With such a job, women are independent

This is half true. Why? Well, because in this industry you never know how much money you are going to make. Yes, there are women who have plenty of wealthy clients and earn lots of money, but they are just a few. On the other hand, lots of sex workers do not earn too much money. They live just like normal people and they cannot afford a wealthy lifestyle. Economic independence doesn’t come at the cost of harm and abuse.

It is a choice

Lots of people believe that prostitutes choose to be prostitutes. This is not true at all, because most of them do not have another option. Most of them don’t have families nor friends to help them, so they only see one exit and that is prostitution. Extensive research indicates that lots of women face homelessness, poverty, sexual abuse, and drug addiction. This is why they choose to work in this industry. Some of them work for long periods of time, whereas other only do this for a short time. There are girls who manage to completely change their lives at some point. Also, it is important to know that most of these girls enter prostitution at a very young age. So, this job is not a choice at all, and people must understand this and not judge these girls anymore.

Prostitution is about sexual freedom

There is nothing related to freedom in this industry. You cannot be a free person when you must have sex with men in exchange for money. Sexual freedom consists of enjoying sex with a person you like or love. The purchase of sex is actually the denial of the other person’s desire. Paying for sexual services means denying another person’s right to sexual desire. In other words, buying sex from another person can never be about sexual freedom.

Only sex workers should talk about prostitution

We could say that sex workers know more about prostitution than regular people. Yet, this doesn’t mean that they are the only ones who can talk about this industry. Every person is free to have an opinion, whether it is right or not. Domestic violence is a structured form of violence against women. This unpleasant situation affects us all, women and men as well. Why? Well, because it is about societal values. We don’t even know how many people are working in this industry. Let’s not forget about those states where prostitution is illegal and women are having this job undercover. Millions of people are in this industry, and they are simply ‘’invisible’’.

Prostitution is useful for society

This is another common myth about prostitution. Research shows that many of the sex buyers are married men. These men are more likely to have a larger number of sexual partners than the rest. Why is this happening? It is like this because lots of men are in relationships that don’t make them happy. They marry because they want to integrate in society and be just like anybody else. But, the truth is that they are not happy and they are looking for other ways to satisfy their desires.

Legalizing prostitution will guarantee access to basic rights for those who work in this industry

There are many countries where prostitution is already legal. The issue of accessing rights is linked to the migration status of each person. It is not linked to the legal status of prostitution. If you are legally living in a state, then you have access to basic rights. For example, in Germany, only 50 people have registered as ‘’sex workers’’, out of the estimated 500.000 individuals in this industry. And, it is the same everywhere. Other countries make no exception. Legalizing prostitution doesn’t change the stigma on people in prostitution. This is just a myth.

We should combat trafficking, but this industry has nothing to do with it

Such claims actually contradict reality. If this industry doesn’t have anything to do with sex trafficking, then what are these girls trafficked for? Trafficking is profit-driven. In fact, it has a direct link with the prostitution markets. It is estimated that benefits from this are huge. And maybe you are wondering where does this money come from? Well, from the buyers, just like in any other business. This is the main reason why prostitution and trafficking are actually intrinsically linked. Not only women work in this industry but men as well. There are lots of men as well who offer sexual services in exchange for money. There are also trans people and other categories of individuals who work in this industry these days. And their number is increasing a lot with every year, which is definitely not a good thing at all.

2 comments on “Interesting myths on prostitution”

  1. Annoyed Reader says:

    Didn’t expect to see such a slanted, one side article here that’s full of anti-sex worker talking points. It’s not even close to accurate from all of the prostitutes I know. Does some of this exist? Yes. Is it all? No. Maybe better balance next time and not be a mouthpiece for the type of people that supported FOSTA. I expected better here.

  2. Catthew Mates says:

    Whoever wrote this shit is an elitist asshole and doesn’t respect women, or sex workers. Just because nobody wants your ass and you can’t make a living at it doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. It shows how naïve the poster is by not recognizing that prostitution IS the oldest profession. If this is the opinion of the website owner or webmaster than I’m gone.

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