Indica Flower is Naked on a Couch!

Busty hippie porn star Indica Flower is back and she’s getting naked and naughty on a sofa before letting a guy rail her! She looks good but judging from the bruise, she needs to take better care of those sweet naturals!

I read that she’s a full lesbian in real life and only fucks guys in porn. Not sure if that’s a turn on or turn off?

Pictures from: Porn Fidelity

Porn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural titsPorn star with big natural tits

Busty Kelly Madison lets her husband bring porn stars into their bedroom at Porn Fidelity!

12 thoughts on “Indica Flower is Naked on a Couch!”

  1. Girl turns up at a photoshoot with bruises on her tits and make-up doesn’t bother to cover them?

    sounds like they did this on the cheap… but then she’s cheap trash anyway, so you get what you pay for.

  2. she needs detox & a shower, total degenerate. its a shame because if you cleaned her up she would look great. i haaate dreds on white people, they look absurd

  3. She’s great,idk what’s with the 3 gay guys coming to a site called boobie blog to knock a pretty woman but oh well..

      • you’re can have your own taste without coming off as a gay guy..saying she needs to be cleaned up and all these changes to her body ya sounds like you want her to be a man.

    • “you don’t like the same trash women covered in tattoos that I do, therefore you are gay”.

      glad to see that double digit IQ being put to good use there.

      rent free – as usual. 😉

      • I’m not judging you guys for your sexuality, just curious why come to a site meant for men to appreciate different women with different big breast..instead of try to drag someone for their looks that supposedly don’t appeal to you..not that hard of a concept lol.

        • calling us gay, small dick energy. you’re definitely acting like a 14 year old edgelord. the adults in the room are not impressed.
          actually i do appreciate gorgeous sluts & it pains me to see them ruin those gorgeous, slutty bodies

          yes, i have plenty of these loser tenants. rent is due next week by the way

      • Also she’s EXTREMELY far from covered in tattoos but some small dick energy guys can’t handle a real woman.

  4. I don’t understand all this hostility — people’s tastes are different.

    I think she’s SMOKING hot. And her IRL predilections aren’t going to deter me from happily rubbing one out for her right now (my regular WFH afternoon break 🙂


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