Do you know whats up when you go down? Probably not, so here are 6 easy to follow tips from Girlfriend #17! I think #17 should make an instructional video.. I volunteer my tounge!
I posted this elsewhere on Boobie Blog, but I think it bears repeating.
I want to thank you all for your comments and enthusiastic support.
I originally posted my pics here a few weeks ago on a dare. I was totally shocked and flattered by your response.
I understand that not everyone wants to join the VIP section, and that’s cool. I have confidence That Niklas won’t fuck up Boobie Blog. Let’s give him a chance. And I promise to keep posting my pics in the free area as long as you guys are interested.
Luvurbewbs, glad you’re happy (and you had me at “ouroboros”).
Dear lady, your postings are becoming more and more arousing every time you post. Bless you for sharing your wisdom as well as your sweet body. The tips that you gave are right on point and I have been using these as my guide for a great many years now. These tips should be required reading for all lovers who fancy themselves well-versed in oral pleasure for women.
I was with her on the pussy eating stuff until the finger up the backpipe part. Had a kind of icky experience with that once and really don’t care to probe the 0-ring as a regular thing. Otherwise, she’s right about complimenting a girl’s cooch. I used to hang out with a slutty hair stylist and I did oral on that girl forever and told her “You have about the nicest, sweetest, most beautiful cunt I’ve ever met.” She later said, “You really made me happy when you said that.” And she wasn’t kidding. Chicks like knowing that their holes are really special.
Pictures two, three and four — those nipples look like the tip of a pencil eraser. Nom-nom-nom. You can almost put an eye out with those things. You are sensationally beautiful. Thanks for the photos.
He said that men are like bottle rockets and women are like diesel engines. It may take a while to get ’em warmed up, but once you do, they can run for a looooong time!
100% agree with 17’s tip to call your girl and talk dirty during the day. Give her a chance to fantasize and by the time you get home, she’ll be all over it.
Fantastic. She looks a cracker from top to bottom. Need some more with less covered up.
All is right with the world.
Those lips are killer too. Someone in this world is damn too lucky
Seems a little nippy in here.
Lovely all around! Damn nice nips too!
Those lips. Is there anything that’s not amazingly sexy about this girl? I would love to see those luscious lips wrapped around my cock.
Not to mention the nipples look like they’re just begging to be sucked…
And that ass… just amazing.
I posted this elsewhere on Boobie Blog, but I think it bears repeating.
I want to thank you all for your comments and enthusiastic support.
I originally posted my pics here a few weeks ago on a dare. I was totally shocked and flattered by your response.
I understand that not everyone wants to join the VIP section, and that’s cool. I have confidence That Niklas won’t fuck up Boobie Blog. Let’s give him a chance. And I promise to keep posting my pics in the free area as long as you guys are interested.
Luvurbewbs, glad you’re happy (and you had me at “ouroboros”).
thanks gonna try this on my girlfriend at lunch and my wife after work!!! Wak Wak
Hi Thanks for the tips =)
Dear lady, your postings are becoming more and more arousing every time you post. Bless you for sharing your wisdom as well as your sweet body. The tips that you gave are right on point and I have been using these as my guide for a great many years now. These tips should be required reading for all lovers who fancy themselves well-versed in oral pleasure for women.
I was with her on the pussy eating stuff until the finger up the backpipe part. Had a kind of icky experience with that once and really don’t care to probe the 0-ring as a regular thing. Otherwise, she’s right about complimenting a girl’s cooch. I used to hang out with a slutty hair stylist and I did oral on that girl forever and told her “You have about the nicest, sweetest, most beautiful cunt I’ve ever met.” She later said, “You really made me happy when you said that.” And she wasn’t kidding. Chicks like knowing that their holes are really special.
you rock girl!
Hey what about MY needs?!
Pictures two, three and four — those nipples look like the tip of a pencil eraser. Nom-nom-nom. You can almost put an eye out with those things. You are sensationally beautiful. Thanks for the photos.
Do y’all have any tips you’d like to share?
No tips but god I love your nipples, #17
I’ll share my tip if you share your np.
“Do y’all have any tips you’d like to share?”
The best tip for pleasing a woman, orally or otherwise, is to listen to her and learn to read body language.
I think Jeff Foxworthy said it best,
He said that men are like bottle rockets and women are like diesel engines. It may take a while to get ’em warmed up, but once you do, they can run for a looooong time!
100% agree with 17’s tip to call your girl and talk dirty during the day. Give her a chance to fantasize and by the time you get home, she’ll be all over it.
Love the nips, love the lips! and pic #5, Gotta love a girl with a bottle of lube on her bedside table!
Gorgous lips .. the ones with bright red lipstick and that full lucious cameltoe