How To Enhance Your Chances With The Hottest Ladies

Dating can be fun and exciting. When you date a new girl, it is going to be something new and you will enjoy the experience. Nevertheless, you have to understand that dating can be frightening. If you don’t know how to smooth talk the ladies, there is a good chance that you’re going to get yourself into trouble. Or, you might ruin the experience. With that being said, you need to find out how to handle women so you can enhance your chances with the hottest ladies in the land. Below, you will find tips for knocking it out of the park with women.

Gain Experience

First and foremost, you should spend time gaining experience. This is far more important than you could ever imagine. If you have no experience with women, you won’t be able to handle the situation. You’ll stutter over your words and run into issues along the way. The good news is that you can eliminate this problem by gaining experience. Spend time online chatting with women and watching VR big tits videos. Once you’ve done this, you can guarantee that you’ll be much more comfortable around women. That experience will increase your chances of landing the hottest babes.

Work On Yourself

When it comes down to it, many guys are plagued by self-esteem issues. They’ve been sitting on the couch too long and they don’t feel great about themselves. They’re worried that their appearance is going to turn women off. The good news is that you can work on yourself and remedy these problems. Get off the couch and start exercising. Once you’ve done that, you’ll feel better about yourself and your appearance. This will give you a confidence boost and you’ll be ready to conquer the world.

Before hitting the pub, make sure that you’re comfortable with yourself. Do that you’ll be ready to knock them dead.

Learn Pick-Up Lines

At the end of the day, you need to find out how to smooth talk and charm women. If you learn a few lines, you’ll be able to convince them to date you. If you’re not comfortable in this area, you need to change this immediately. One way to do that is by learning a few pick-up lines. This will make a big difference. You’ll be able to drop these lines and score points with the most gorgeous women you encounter. Make sure that you choose the right pick-up lines for each girl. One phrase might work great for one lady but it may not work well for another. Experiment a bit until you know what is going to work best in every situation.

Know Where To Look

Ultimately, you need to step outside of your comfort zone to find sexy women. You may like visiting your local bar because you’re comfortable there. This is okay but you cannot dedicate yourself to one spot. Instead, you need to expand your options and look elsewhere. For instance, you should check out grocery stores, local ballgames, and other events. Clubs and parties are great but you should not focus solely on these events. Spread your wings and you’ll be able to find more girls to mingle with.

Stay Open

Finally, you should do what you can to expand your options. If you’re focusing on one girl, you may blow everything. Then, you’ll be left alone. You don’t want this to happen. Instead, you should expand your options and try to mingle with multiple women simultaneously. Don’t get caught though. When you communicate with multiple girls, you’ll always be able to pick and choose the one you like most. You’ll always have something to fall back on too.

8 thoughts on “How To Enhance Your Chances With The Hottest Ladies”

  1. “Learn pic up lines”. You mean saying “You have tattoos, so you must be a fucking degenerate” ain’t gonna work? Or “Your tits are saggy, AND you’re a fat butterface.” Hmmm….

    • oddly enough those types of degenerates just like and need attention. they are not able to discern good attention from bad, sooooo

      you tried, you failed.

  2. My point has once again been clearly made. The cheap banjo gets plucked again. Your alter ego gonna come rushing to your defense now with some lame name calling? Wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it? TWANG,TWANG.

    • its weird that after you got exposed as nothing more than one of my lil minions you went with the “im rubber you’re glue defense”

      keep dancing for daddy

      • Not using any defense. just stating the facts. You’re just a pitiful legend in your own tiny mind. It sure doesn’t take much to stir up your lame bullshit. Seems like you’re the one doing the dancing. TWANG,TWANG.

      • It’s weird a loser troll bitch like you hasn’t been murdered yet.

        The only good mikey is a dead mikey.


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