How to Ask for More Hot Sex Without Hurting Your Partner’s Feelings

Being in a relationship requires constant effort and compromise, sometimes even in the little things. However, what if the issue is too significant to compromise on, and yet you have no idea how to bring it up?

Having unequal sexual libidos, especially in a long-term relationship, can be such an issue. If left undiscussed, it can lead to frustration, conflicts, and in the worst case, can even break the relationship apart. Even the most passionate couples fall into a routine after some time. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to change that without sounding inconsiderate. Below, you’ll find six ways in which you can ask for more action in your bedroom in a way that won’t hurt your partner’s feelings. Check them out if you’re unsure of where to start.

Figure Out Your Preferences

Before you start a conversation, you need to know what your sex life is missing and where exactly there is room for improvement. You may have some hidden fantasies or desires, or maybe you wanted to try something new for a very long time and don’t know how to bring it up. Whatever the case, you should first find out what you’d like to work on and be prepared for the conversation. You may be surprised how open your partner can be about your intimate life.
We recommend starting this new journey with your partner, perhaps with the help of stories that you can find at OMG Kinky.

Have an Honest Conversation

Without honesty, every relationship is doomed to fail. You need to communicate with each other to catch up, solve problems, and plan for the future. If you see that an area in your relationship needs improvement, it’s time to speak up.

Find an appropriate moment when you’re both relaxed and don’t rush into it. Talk about your feelings with honesty and sincerity; don’t sugarcoat things, and speak as openly and precisely as you can. Your partner can’t read your mind, so you need to tell exactly what’s going on in your head. Once you’re able to communicate your issues clearly, there will be room for dialogue and improvement.

Look for Inspiration Together

Having some visuals comes in handy when discussing specific aspects of your sexual relationship. If you lack inspiration or look for ways to show your partner what you need, there are many sources that can help you out. If your partner feels comfortable with it, you can watch porn together or check out websites with sex toys to find the one (or more) you’d like to try out in your bedroom.

On the other hand, your partner may be open to experimenting in bed, but nothing can be done about their low sex drive. In this case, consider talking to them about using sex dolls. This experience can be beneficial to both of you because you can remain faithful while managing your libido in a way that’s not destructive to your relationship.

Focus on the Positive Sides

While you’re preparing for the conversation with your partner, remember to remain empathetic and considerate. Your partner may feel uneasy and uncomfortable; they also may take your remarks very personally. Try to avoid that by focusing on what’s good in your relationship and what already works very well. Emphasize what you enjoy about your sex life to show your partner that you appreciate them. We guarantee you that it’s possible to have a conversation on such a sensitive topic without making your partner feel bad about themselves.

Listen to Your Partner

Having a conversation won’t change anything about your situation unless you listen carefully to what your partner says about it. Being a good listener can be quite challenging, and when it comes to a delicate situation such as this one, it’s easy to get defensive and tense.

Try to be considerate and focus on your partner’s words and feelings. Don’t impose your plan and force your partner to conform to your vision no matter what. It will be counterproductive and will drive you further away from each other.

Find a Satisfactory Solution

After you’ve discussed your preferences and expectations, you now know how far you’re willing to go to accomplish your goal and accommodate your partner’s needs. It’s a great starting point to working out a win-win solution that would be satisfactory for both of you. Keep in mind that you or your partner may have some boundaries, and sometimes it won’t be possible to compromise on all of the things you had in mind. As such, it’s important to figure out a way out of this situation that will make both of you happy.

The Bottom Line

Sexual satisfaction is an essential part of every relationship. If you and your partner are not compatible, the two of you are going to struggle if you fail to talk about your needs. However, the most crucial step is to sit down together and have an honest conversation about your preferences, expectations, and fantasies. Openness and honesty are key, even though some kinks may be more unusual than others.

Once you learn what your partner wants and communicate your needs, you can go from there and work on a win-win solution that should satisfy both of you. A conversation like this can work wonders for your relationship and can result in some surprising yet long-awaited changes in your bedroom.

Julia Łysakowska

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