Hot Shots Calendar Outtakes

Every year there is a whole bunch of new pinup calendars coming out, especially from the sexy British ladies, but I have a feeling that this Hot Shots calendar will win the title of SEXIEST! Rosie Jones, Amii Grove and Lucy Pinder with guns is a sexy thing! Below are outtakes from the shoot and I can’t wait to see what the final calendar looks like.

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Hot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendarHot Shots calendar

Here are some bonus pics of Rosie Jones hanging out at the Nuts magazine office!

Hot Shots calendarHot Shots calendar

7 thoughts on “Hot Shots Calendar Outtakes”

  1. Pic #1 I’d love to see Lucy fire that M249 she’s holding, with the recoil her breasts would bounce all over the place! 🙂

  2. i’m going out on a limb here, but isn’t that someone who isn’t lucy pinder? (intentional double negative)

  3. That’s Lucy in the background of Pic 1. I don’t see her anywhere else though…perhaps they’re keeping her pics under wraps?


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