
I am currently getting drunk in Copenhagen, Denmark. I’d like to thank you for your patience.

Edit I: I am now hungover. Report will come soon.

Edit II: My drinking journey in Europe is continuing on. Last night Malmö in Sweden got a taste of me and my boobie addiction. On wednesday Im going to London to hopefully feel up Lucy Pinder and Keeley Hazell.

32 thoughts on “Hello”

  1. Actually, thinking about it now, if I was there, I would have a look around to see if I could purchase some Adidas trainers that I might find hard to come by at home (where ever that is). Or maybe that’s just me.

  2. Actually, thinking about it now, if I was there, I would have a look around to see if I could purchase some Adidas trainers that I might find hard to come by at home (where ever that is). Or maybe that’s just me.

    May be thats just you. Funny comment lol,

    Beer and women OR shoe shopping???

    Tuff 1

  3. Rly great to have you visiting Denmark. And hell yea take some photos of the danish gals in Copenhagen and throw them on the site. See you around DK then :p

  4. You my friend, are living the dream! You should have your own catagory with hot girls you mess with and publish the pics on here.

  5. Swing by Chrstiania, and have some serious fun with the locals… 😉

    Copenhagen is fabulous (and very photo-worthy!). I’ll bet the weather is better there than all the rain back in the t-dot (although it was pretty sunny today).

  6. Hey, everyone deserves a vacation! Ahh, I remember Copenhagen! The wonderful scenery, the beautiful women and the incredible booze. Why, it feels like only yesterday when… wait a minute… now that I think about it, I’ve never been to Copenhagen in my life. The only thing I know about Copenhagen is there was a giant monster movie made there (Reptilicus) way back when. Ahh, hell!

    Well, anyway, take it easy and ENJOY yourself. Have a drink on me, and I’ll have one in your honor.

  7. Is that where they make the little cans of tobacco that hillbillies put in their mouths? That must mean there are some hot redneck women with daisy dukes and low cut shirts. Yeeeehaaaawwww!

  8. Feel up Keely Hazell and Lucy Pinder? How are you going to manage that? I wonder if begging will work.

    Or maybe you can tell them you’re from the Department of Boobs and you have to check to see if their boobs comply with official governmental standards. Also tell them you have to check their taste,

    Or you’re an extraterrestrial who can give them superhuman powers by way of their superhuman boobs.

    Or try hypnotizing them.

    Or offer them a deal: if they let you fondle and such their tits, you’ll let them fondle and suck your dick. That sounds fair.

    Anybody have any other ideas? Come on, let’s all help Niklas out.

  9. Niklas: Keep your hands off Keeley! She’s mine, I tell you! Mine, mine, mine!

    Oh, hell, go ahead and feel her up…but don’t wash your hands until I get a chance to come over and sniff them….I bet she smells like nectar……

    …er…..well….enjoy yourself….harumph…

  10. Tell them about your website and hire them for an exclusive shoot.

    Sure this site can’t possibly make you enough money to pay for it, but if there’s one thing worth your life savings, it’s this.


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