12 thoughts on “Hanging Out at the Beach with Liya Silver!”

    • Unfortunately it looks like the psychiatric hospital has allowed mikeroyne their most problematic patient some internet time again. A team of psychiatrist’s are studying his aggressive/regressive troll behavioral patterns.

      9/4/2019 ugggh this trash bag again. tie her to an anchor & toss her into the sea

      8/27/2019 what a fucking degenerate. someone get the belt sander

      8/26/2019 i love her face & tits but i hate her tatts

      8/20/2019 holy shit! perfect, magnificent body. too bad about those stupid ass tatts

      8/20/2019 i hate hate haaatee her grotesque tatts. that said, i fucking love her, shes got the sluttiest eyes around. she is so deliciously trashy, too bad about the ink

      8/16/2019 her tatts are garbage shit smears

      8/15/2019 at least she has no tats

      8/14/2019 keep scrubbing, maybe that shit stain will come off

      8/13/2019 no garbage tatts

      8/10/2019 howd she get that shit smear across her under boob area

      The psychiatrist’s early study and findings indicate that the patient will require constant therapy and medication with the view of keeping him isolated in lock up to avoid exposure and to protect the general public from this mentally unstable individual.

      • Asshole needs to be sentenced to xHamster with his eyes pried open,(ala A Clockwork Orange)and fed a steady diet of tatted up 350 lb. 60 yr. old blisters who think they’re hot. THEN a cattle prod to the temples until he swears to NEVER mention ink again.

        • damn, you boys are really on me now. you CHUDs should start a fanclub. i should print out what you copy & pasted so i can sign it for you

  1. Mike.

    You’ve bored me so stoopid ( which I’m guessing is your point…prob gets you wet)..
    That I really would enjoy kicking your cunt in.
    I’m not a wee laddie.
    I’m 50.
    Weigh o er 100kg and been arrested 8 times for assault.
    Just so know..I ain’t sum silly wee15 year old fucking laddie.
    Sometimes folk really do just deserve a good kicking…and your one of them and this is one of those times

    • haha you’re adorable. of course your a big strong keyboard warrior, just like everyone else. you can take your very big & powerful self to the bottom of the ocean with your tatts & this girl. its even more amusing how you are proud of your criminal record which im sure is totally 100% true
      so if true, you’re a 50 year old career criminal who threw his life away & is a complete waste of skin- congrats. for the sake of humanity, i hope you are sterile

    • Agreed. BUT I’m not gonna harp about the ink EVERY FUCKING TIME a pic of her gets posted like some obsessive ASSHOLE does.


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