Halle Berry Looks Amazing in a Bikini

Halle Berry was spotted wearing a bikini top at a Malibu beach the other day and her body is mind blowingly spectacular, especially when you consider that she is 45 years old! She is giving Liz Hurley a run for her money when it comes to spectacular MILF boobs. How do they remain so perky? I don’t know but give the secret sauce to all the women of the world!

I bet her nips came close to falling out of the top when her friend gives her that bear hug!

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Halle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikiniHalle Berry in a bikini

7 thoughts on “Halle Berry Looks Amazing in a Bikini”

  1. actually if you watch swordfish, and monsters ball you will see that she does not have perky tits at all, she has pancake boobs..after seeing that those movies halley was ruined for me…anyone else?

  2. There’s nothing wrong with her tits,she is fine . @Don,how does she hate white people,her mother is white,and the father of her child is white.There’s something wrong with you

  3. @lance,no more than half the fake tit women on here are.She’s 45,let’s see how good those women look at that age.


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