25 thoughts on “Haley Cummings Strip Outdoors”

  1. her best scene is the massage video from FH18. This is pretty good too though… the DD people do great fucking shoots…

  2. @ JAck

    A whore is somebody who sell hisself or herself for money or something else. Politicians with no principles are whores for example. It’s not because she is porn actress that you can state she’s a whore. All of us enjoy porn and this site, so what does that make us?

    @ Xan

    Not morality just respect for an another human being

  3. @Marcus

    google…GOOGLE, “what does it mean to wear a mask?”…and you’ll see what i mean. yahoo answers…answerbag…answers.com

    everyone wears a mask, you have to to get through life. on the net, when you become “Anon”, you (usually) remove the mask, because it doesnt matter…for the most part at least.

  4. @ Xan

    I understand the symboloic of the mask but anyway I think it’s better to drop the subject. Just a last point Xan, you seem intelligent so , I do not want to soud moralistic, show respect to the lovely ladies, girls, women whatever you call them . Masked or not

  5. I agree with what ( o Y o ) said, she looks much better on the FH18 video than she does in this photoset.

  6. Just to throw my 2 cents in, even most porn stars know they are prostitutes. I think it was Nina Hartley who actually used to teach about porn and that was one of her key points, when you do porn, your selling your body for sex in exchange for cash. I do not see anything wrong with it, but to try to defend it as not being prostitution is pretty pointless. It is what it is. And I like it. 🙂

  7. Whore: ” A woman that engages in promiscuous sexual activity, usually for money.”

    You never answered my question Marcus. Polititions aside, what sexual behavior would qualify a woman as a whore?

  8. @ Jack

    If she us e her charms to gain benefits($, job, social standing)
    I know, if they are paid , for you it is automaticly a whore, but money aside, a wore is somebody who is no true to His or her nature, beliefs and principles

  9. As pathetic as it sounds I am so into Haley Cummings at the moment that her vids are the only ones I watch. This photo shoot and the video are just great. Love her scenes with Voodoo and the stuff she has done for Naughty America.

    By the way, to me the big difference between calling someone a whore or a porn star is not a matter of differences in what they are doing. To me it is obvious that a star is a positive title and a whore is a negative one. I see no need for using negative words to describe people I like…. But what do I know, I live in Sweden. We all wear masks here. 😉


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