Great View of Lisa Ann
If you’ve followed this site for a while you know I love the “down below looking up” view and that’s exactly what porn star Lisa Ann is providing in these pics! It’s a great view and I always knew having her big boobs in my face would be a nice thing.
Pictures from: Evil Angel
February 13th, 2013
Posted in Lisa Ann, Porn Stars
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Apparently this is what a boob upshot looks like if you are a mackerel, or perhaps trout
Lisa Ann, the number 1 Milf of all time. She will make you jerk off. If not you must be in a coma.
God she is looking worse with each new spread.
She looks awful now and does absolutely nothing for me. She is no milf now thats for sure. More like, milf I would not like to fuck.
Anything now with Lisa Ann in it, just gets ignore by me.
Those boobs look like pretzels.
I am still totally into her–or at least I wish I was into her, if you know what I mean! (ba-dum-bum) Anyway, she’s super hot but somebody needs to tell the porn industry that fisheye shots are horrible and unsexy.
Damn she doesnt look right with all plastic surgery
Hours in bath with her would be amazing !