Going to the Supermarket According to AI!

Definitely more exciting than reality!

Also, why do you all have the same smile? I’m getting scared now.

Create your own dream girlfriend: DreamGF

AI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreamsAI tits might be fake but they are juicier than your dreams

Create your own dream girlfriend: DreamGF

2 thoughts on “Going to the Supermarket According to AI!”

  1. The reason they all have the same smile (and similarly shaped breasts and nipples) is limited training data set. The AI was taught with (or told to only use) a small number of photos, probably mostly of the same woman, and it based these girls off of them. If the AI is only given one smile to learn from, it can only create one smile in its output.

    • Look at the positive aspect. You get to fawk a different chick, with an incredible smile, perfect body and boobs EVERY NIGHT of the week.
      What guy wouldn’t want THAT reality?


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