Girls Run Down Some Stairs


14 comments on “Girls Run Down Some Stairs”

  1. Paul says:

    I could watch that clip all day. nice

  2. mzinger says:

    Is that Alison Angel on the right?

  3. sherdog says:

    who’s the girl on the left?

  4. Jaruemalak says:

    Can’t… look… away…

    Must… keep… watching…

  5. zski says:

    This proves Einsteins theory of gravity. Notice how the larger breasts bounce at the same rate as the smaller.

  6. Edward says:

    See? That’s what makes women so wonderful. Thank you, Niklas. That’s like a breath of fresh air.

  7. Achi says:

    It’s almost hypnotic… 🙂

  8. Wedge says:

    Boing boing boing!! I’m timing my strokes with their bouncing!

    I love this.

  9. Davo says:

    Carley Caleb on the left?

  10. xxsuicidexx says:

    I got hypnotized by the one with the pink top.

  11. razia says:

    zski it was newton who came up with gravity.Einstein came up with the theory of relativity 🙂
    nice stuff niklas.
    its sad(?) that we women while running down the stairs can do nothing about this phenomena.boobs bounce sometimes against our wish!

  12. Edward says:

    It’s official: I’ve now watched that more than 1,000 times. At work they think I’ve become an exercise addict because I’m always saying, “Forget the elevator, let’s take the stairs.”

  13. mark says:


  14. John says:

    These moments in life…are simply wonderful. I always say a prayer when I find myself in the perfect angle, location and perspective to appreciate such…beauty. Of course the second place to this is going up the stairs behind a girl that has a bubble butt…or thuper short skirt. Hot damn!!

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