How can you get the most out of quality free sex dating sites like Isn’t it a slam dunk that you will gain everything by just joining free sex dating sites? Well, if you think that way, chances are, you probably bought into all the hype free sex dating sites dish out.
I really can’t say I blame them, though. I mean, hey, let’s face it, most websites have bills to pay. They need to make money. They have to hit their profit margins. Unfortunately, you are the victim in that situation because all sorts of bullshit are directed your way. If you want to truly get the most out of free sex dating sites and any kind of dating site for that matter, you need to know what you’re dealing with.
Reality Number 1: You’re Dealing with a Business
The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that you’re dealing with a business. These websites don’t exist because they have nothing else better to do. They’re not doing it because they’re the Mother Teresa of sexual fulfilment and awareness in the world. They’re not doing it for charitable reasons. They are there to make money.
Sure, a lot of free sex dating sites are completely free. This means that you don’t have to whip out greenbacks or whip out your credit card just so you can have a membership. Still, they make money. How? Look at all the ads. Look at the upsells to the porn sites, sex toys, penis enlargement products and all sorts of bullshit they’re trying to cram down your throat. That’s how they make their money. If you think that this is bullshit, then you are more than welcome to pay for a member’s only dating site. That’s the bottom line.
Don’t think that you are entitled to a clean commercial-free experience because, hey, people have to make money. They have to get something out of it. You have to remember that the world operates on one major rule: “what’s in it for me?” If you don’t believe that then you’re the biggest virgin in the world and you are going to get crushed by the world repeatedly until you get that lesson. The world has its own agenda. You have to understand how that agenda works and make sure that you service your agenda while being clear on the greater global agenda. That’s how things work.
Thinking that just because you joined a free dating site, all of a sudden all these great stops are going to happen and you get all these great freebies is just foolishness. It’s a waste of time. You’re setting yourself up to get ripped off. You don’t want that to happen so just always assume that the dating site is always going to get something out of it. The best you can hope for is a win-win situation. They win something, you win something. Call it a day.