11 thoughts on “Getting to Know Erica Campbell!”

  1. Wait….isn’t she or didn’t she retire?

    I thought she was one of those born again Christian nut jobs or speaks out against the evils of being nude or some other shit…

    Says on Wikipedia she retired back in 2005.

  2. Many nude models or porn stars make me think “they’d be fun for a weekend “. She’d be fun for a lifetime. Sexy, cute, natural looking, beautiful, great body, etc etc.

  3. Was so in love with this girl as a young lad. Thanks for bringing back memories of a legend, lol 🙂

  4. By far, the hottest woman on the planet. I would like to see some recent pics of her and how shes aged-most likely still flawless

  5. I find it funny how some guys still idolize this woman…so she’s beautiful, big whoop. She literally shit on the industry that gave her a means to make a living for many years because of some convoluted new-found belief system. IF she was willing to go to those lengths against the industry, I’m already imagining the opinion she has of her fans…fuck her, there’s plenty of beautiful women who to this day still like getting naked for art and entertainment. Religious freaks, like Erica, trying to guilt everyone around them into seeing the world through a narrow lens don’t deserve anyone’s admiration but go ahead, give her the attention she has claimed to hate beyond almost anything else. Meanwhile, I’ll be admiring the women who understand that a flawed industry isn’t the biggest source of human misery but quite possibly one of the most important outlets for our entire species

  6. On behalf of us religious freaks, I would like to point out that some of us like nudity, and praise the Maker when we see the beauty He has created. Erica is a good example of this. I also believe that eroticism was created by God for the enjoyment of mankind. If not, why is a whole book in the Bible (the Song of Solomon/ Song of Songs) dedicated to the subject. So please stop thinking we are all like the American Bible belters. The puritans make up a very small percentage of Christians world wide. Thank goodness!

  7. Proon88’s post seems hypocritical. Regardless if we agree with her beliefs/opinions now, she has a right to have her own opinion & express it how she wants.

  8. She isnt even a “religious freak” as he puts it.

    She’s still the same sweet girl she always was, she just has a different job now.


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