Gemma Atkinson Wears a Bikini in Cuba!

Here’s Gemma Atkinson looking fit and busty at a beach in Cuba! It seems thats all she’s doing lately is going to different spots to hang out in a bikini. It’s always been one of most unfulfilled wishes that she never went fully topless.

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Gemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikiniGemma Atkinson in a bikini

5 comments on “Gemma Atkinson Wears a Bikini in Cuba!”

  1. Joe says:

    She’s still ridiculously hot

  2. Answerman says:

    Look at those gams!

  3. rog79 says:

    Shame she never got her tits out, been dying to see them ever since she was in Hollyoaks.

  4. CSynn says:

    I love that she looks like someone I could down pints at the pyb with and is strong enought to carry me home draped over her shoulder.

  5. boulderholder says:

    still looking great

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