Game Over with Natasha Legeyda!

Last year I posted a terrific collection of busty model Natasha Legeyda, but I haven’t seen anything else from her since those pics went up. Until today. Because here is a new spread of Natasha playing a retro video game and posing nude for Yume magazine!! Yume indeed!

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Busty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video gamesBusty blonde playing video games

11 thoughts on “Game Over with Natasha Legeyda!”

  1. “Tattoos are terrible. Hey you kids, get off my lawn!!!”

    -Most of the dorks who use this site.

  2. “Ink is cool and proves im a rebel while showcasing my awesome personality.”
    Insecure people with self esteem and peer acceptance issues that get tattoos.

  3. Not a fan of tattoos myself, but the constant bitching about them “ruining that perfect body” got really old already.

    Anyway, great body, love those full titties. She reminds me of Caroline Vreeland.

  4. “my tatts are so cool, unique & deep, just like me”

    translation: “i paid someone to draw pictures on my body”

  5. people who get tattoos can be insecure and in need of attention. but so can people without em. everyone sucks. No one is immune to being stupid as shit sometimes. Evidence of that: any comment section on any website ever.
    including me.


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