17 thoughts on “Gabbie Carter Makes an Impression!”

  1. This was also a link last week too EFuct
    How about something original every once in a while

    • You know, you’re worse than a broken fucking record. I wish she was chubby and had bush too, so we could get a clean sweep of all your little bitch whining.

      • I agree with Mike. Great face. Great body. Shit tats. Why can’t he have an opinion IB? Fuck you!

        • He’s certainly entitled to his opinion, just state it and be fucking done. Tell ya what, jagoff, go to the top of the page just below the date, where it says Posted in and click on the name in red letters. Then look at EVERY post that has a comment, and you’ll see my point. He CONSTANTLY bitches about the SAME SHIT OVER & OVER with EVERY comment, so do the research before spouting off. Oh yeah, fuck you too.

          • Jagoff? Yinz from da Burgh? I was just giving you shit for giving him shit. All in good fun.

          • you seem to be really into me & what i post; you need to get out more.
            what can i say, people covered in tatts are nasty & trashy-but not in a good way. oftentimes, the defenders of ink also have plenty & they feel a little attacked because whatever “deep really personal” things they have on their body are usually silly & just like everyone elses. remember, you’re not cool, deep or edgy because you paid some to draw pictures on your body
            remember kids, physical expression is its lowest form

          • I need to get out more? I probably hate ink more than you do, but I’m not brain damaged enough to CONSTANTLY bitch about EACH AND EVERY woman who has a tat. “Nasty & trashy”? Don’t see any of them whinin’ about anyone’s LACK of ink. Even when they don’t have any, you have to mention the lack of “shitty tatts”. That’s “cool, deep or edgy”? What can I say? You’re a fucking obsessive idiot AND an incredibly self-centered asshole.

    • mikeroyne’s constant verbal diarrhea comments regarding tattoos is staining this site. A troll with increasing psychological issues.

  2. Hmmm……Someone yankin’ your chain usually don’t end with a FY, but, whatever. There used to be someone else who gave him shit about it all the time, but he doesn’t stop by too much anymore, Unless……..


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