22 thoughts on “Gabbie Carter is Pregnant! Huge Areolas!”

    • You’ll are so damn stupid you’d believe your own mother was pregnant you fools. It’s a bloody fake photo dumbasrse.

    • I do believe that this is fake because I genuinely believe that Gabbie Carter is not pregnant, because if she was she would have told her fans on her social media and it would be in the news so I genuinely believe that it’s fake

      • Not everyone shares every detail of their lives on the internet. But she has since shared the fact of being pregnant.

  1. No doubt about it, Ailah knows how to work social media and her fans. Another classic I fooled you moment with her fans 🤣 😂 👍.

  2. “She was never that hot anyway” *has a HUGE 10 gig collection of Gabbie Carter porn on their computer*

    Go ahead share your search history, put your money where your mouth is concern troll.

  3. You jerks are disgusting! Her areola were big anyway and have probably darkened due to being pregnant (if she is).

    • She is pregnant, baby bump is getting big. What her areolas actually look like at this stage she has not shown, since the above picture was a joke she did with makeup.

      • How do you know that she is actually pregnant? Has she said anything on social media to her fans because I genuinely believe that she’s not pregnant and why would she get pregnant at 22 years of age she’s got lots of years ahead of her and I would’ve thought that she would’ve gone back into the porn industry given that she’s only 22, nearly 23

  4. All right non-believers!! I have seen photographic proof on social media that Gabbie Carter (aka Ailah Overton) is indeed pregnant and is due to deliver sometime in July. I wish her and the father the best of luck.

  5. This picture was posted several months before she actually got pregnant. And yes her areolas did get lot bigger. And they’re beautiful and spectacular.

  6. GABBIE CARTER and Skylar Vox are only two industry pornstars worth watching in my opinion. Skylar after weight gain is scrumptious and GABBIE pregnant figure God Damn is euphoria. i get laid regularly in divorce years and pregnant pussy is absolutely the best in all aspects of penetration of saturated lips and fucking belly not your baby with engorged enlarged gigantic areolas like GABBIEs is insane

    • syklar vox is fat & hideous. shes covered in toilet tier tattoos. shes below average for a civilian, 4/10

      your comment sounds like someone asked AI to post “desperate without any actual experience”


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