5 comments on “Gabbie Carter in a Big Hat!”

  1. Me says:

    She was always adorable, had incredible boobs, and seemed like a lot of fun to fuck. Now she’s even hotter, with WAY bigger boobs. Shame she stopped doing porn though.

  2. mikeroyne says:

    shes an interesting one. sometimes she looks hotter than hell, other times she doesn’t. this is a hotter than hell set

    1. Gary Dell' Abbicio says:

      I can’t pinpoint what it is that I find off-putting about her. She’s got a pretty face and incredible breast. She’s an “ok” performer at best (to be fair, only seen like 2 of her clips).

      1. mikeroyne says:

        the tatts & her nose- which an look a little porcine from the wrong angle. sometimes she looks like a not ugly Maggie Gyllenhaal

  3. Shmoo_usn says:

    Such a shame about getting knocked up and having a kid, as those tits look AWFUL now. 🙁

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