Is this woman’s trick to make small boobs appear bigger, a good thing or bad? It’s an impressive illusion, but I’m gonna have to go with bad.. I don’t need no fraudster!!
Is this woman’s trick to make small boobs appear bigger, a good thing or bad? It’s an impressive illusion, but I’m gonna have to go with bad.. I don’t need no fraudster!!
Her before boobs looked pretty great already!
I’d give her the boot, as this is ALMOST as intolerable as implants. Naturals are the ONLY way to go, as anything else is simply a fraud…..
At least ‘normal’ fake tits still exist when the girl gets naked. These … not so much.
Its like crotch stuffing for guys (and even uses the same basic technique: socks in your underwear)
If I take off your bra and I can’t touch the same boobs I see….there isn’t going to be a 2nd fuck
Fraud? How is this any different to women wearing make up or like anon says, guys stuffing their pants? Some of the over-reactions on here are hilarious though… “there isn’t going to be a 2nd fuck” yeah, like you’d get a first with a girl that hot lol
we have a woman misrepresenting herself?!?!! get outta here! they are & have always been nothing more than the physical manifestation of dishonesty. im totally ok with implants & other enhancements, but this is too much
So, this is what the shitty whore scarlet johanson had been doing all these years, when she was fooling everybody into thinking that she had large boobs, when actually she never had big boobs.