Francia James See Through and Pokies Collection!

Francia James is a curvy Instagram star who has managed to collect over 4 million followers! No wonder why because she has giant boobs, a giant ass, a great sense of humor and a knack for skirting Instagram’s “no nudity” policy with photos and clips like these:

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Francia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nudeFrancia James nude

8 thoughts on “Francia James See Through and Pokies Collection!”

    • Got to agree Bob. 🤔👍
      Baffles the shit out of me…🤔🙈😳🤷‍♂️
      Women should be shapely and round..
      Yes soft.
      That word nails it…

      Men muscular and ripped…
      Personally dont get it at all.
      I mean I train…
      Or did till gym shut..
      Still bench and squat a decent amount for my age…out jogging now more than ever…
      Thank you Covid…👍

      But women…just gonna no..
      Got a mate.
      He is a skinny wee fucker.
      More muscle on a pencil.
      Lucky if 5’6″ and he likes women that are bigger than him, stronger…more muscular..
      Complete role reversal for me likes..

  1. i really like fit & athletic women but something isn’t right with this one. her lower torso looks off, i wonder if they did some weird lipo type sculpting for her abs

    she looks great at a glance, but the longer you look the worse it gets.the surgical trends are getting way out of hand. i love her coloring though

    • And are you fit and athletic Mike?
      I’ve sent my pics in Nik, I trust you have, of yourself and the wife…🤔👍

  2. I feel conflicted by this woman. In some of the pictures she’s looks great but others it almost looks like she’s had a six-pack implant.

    I guess the enhancements she has had done has taken away what could have been a sexy natural woman.

  3. And just to say, Nik had got my name, numbers, can link FB..
    So no bulling from me…
    I trust you gentlemen..
    Particularly those that take weird enjoyment drom putting women down, will be quick to post yourself and your partners..🤔👍
    I do of course in those partic cases, that Nik will be blinded by you and your partner’s physical perfection. 😎😎😎😎

  4. Oh and Mike…as you like to point out the dates on pictures…
    Like these to be recent too please.
    Sure Nik has ability to check or ask for whatever info he needs..🤔👍


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