Flat Chested Girl Wins Miss Hooters International (Makes Sense..)

This is Marissa Raisor from Kentucky and she was recently crowned Miss Hooters International at the 17th Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant! I have nothing against Marissa Raisor, in fact I would happily bed her given the opportunity but, the fact still remains that she is way too flat chested to win a swimsuit pageant run by a restaurant which is famous for its busty waitresses! In my world, she wouldn’t even be eligible to enter the pageant! Am I right or am I right?

It’s time to boycott this place until they put the Hooters back in Hooters!

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Marissa RaisorMarissa RaisorMarissa RaisorMarissa RaisorMarissa Raisor

13 thoughts on “Flat Chested Girl Wins Miss Hooters International (Makes Sense..)”

  1. Don’t be so judgmental, she can always have some implants. 🙂 I don’t quite like her face, though. And her thighs are too thin. Now those are bigger problems.

    Classic case of the “this girl can win a beauty contest? I’ll find 10 prettier chicks just walking down the street”

  2. Not only does she have small tits, but they are some pretty ugly implants. Very disappointing choice. Do they not have any Tessa Fowlers in the ranks?

  3. Look at pic 3, the other choices don’t seem to be much better.

    btw … since this is Hooters, should the girls be wearing orange and/or white?

  4. hooters has changed mang! they’ve changed!

    this girl has some amazing features going for her. still, i work with girls who could rival her. competitions are for the “un-obtainable” or the fantasy girls. a decent working guy with a large salary couldn’t nab tyra banks back in the day, na’mean?

  5. First, she is hardly flat chested and as Al_Anon stated, she is on par with the other contestants. Secondly, “Hooters” is a colloquialism for breasts period, size notwithstanding. Ms. Raisor appears to be natural and sending that message is much better than perpetuating the myth that only a woman with beach balls sewn into her chest are desirable.

    I personally “prefer” big butts, but I have been attracted to several women that are not built that way. As far a tits go, I would take small to average and real over big and fake any day. If I wanted to play with synthetic balls, I could go to a sporting goods store and buy them myself. Beautiful is beautiful and while we all have our fantasy preferences, few real women meet those ideals and they should not be expected to mutilate themselves to suit some dude’s ideal.

  6. @ elTiburon – you’re missing the point. There is nothing wrong with Marissa Raisor and she shouldn’t get implants. I’m saying its wrong she won a Hooters pageant.


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