Here’s “not” porn star Farrah Abraham at the launch party for her new pussy sex toy! So, if you ever had a desire to fuck her pussy or ass.. this is as close as you’ll get. Then again, with not that much money you could probably have the real thing instead.
Watch Farrah Abraham have anal sex at: Backdoor Teen Mom
You’ve finally made it to the big time, you psycho bitch. Selling a mold of your hatchet wound. Congratulations. I’m sure either long-term fame or a small unsuccessful porn career is in your future. Good luck. Invest whatever money you make wisely.
It’ll be in the dollar bin at Walmart by the end of the month.
She might be the dumbest human walking the earth. well her and that Courtney Studder or whatever her name is. She’s not attractive, her hair is from the 70’s and she’s delusional as hell.