You had a good run. Way longer than anticipated but, it is time to say goodbye. Maybe its too soon but you know its time to part ways when I see your boobs from the side in a swimsuit and my reaction is……. nope, that does not look good.
Famous boobs at: Mr. Skin
Happier times..
I still would.
Bye Lindsay! You peaked at Mean Girls. You were an amazing, curvy redhead and now it’s over.
Pictures 2, 3 and 4: what happens when women with big boobs don’t wear bras.
Her street valuen went from several $K a night to a buck and a half and a pack of smokes. Its a damn shame.
my god is she beat. shes 10 years my junior but she looks better suited to be sucking dick for crack in detroit. im sure she is close to an overdose so we wont have to look at this mess much longer
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
LOL @ Goodbye. Considering the Mr. Skin referral link is posted each time Lindsey is, there’s no doubt we will see this ugly skank 10 more times. Trust me, when you get paid to post certain celebrities pictures, suddenly words don’t mean much.
Aw man, how she has fallen. But she needs (dare I say it) is to work out a bit and get toned. She isn’t fat, so anything to get her toned would work wonders.
But it might help if she could get off the crack, and maybe get a job so she could afford a personal trainer.
There are plenty of other chicks to look at so what she does, does not matter to me at all, but it would be nice to put her back in the spank bank.
Brought a tear to my eye
time for a boob job
Somewhere on my computer I have a side boob photo of her from when she was in shape. She really had a wonderful set of boobs as recently as four or five years ago. Face it, gravity always wins in the end, but in her case it took her out way too early.
Did she just stop eating. She looks sickly!
Shes built like Kermit the frog.