Ewa Sonnet is Wrapped

Sexy video of the amazing Ewa Sonnet wrapped in plastic cling wrap! Watching her free those huge boobies is quite entertaining!

Video from: Polish Busty

Video of Ewa Sonnet wrapped in plastic

9 thoughts on “Ewa Sonnet is Wrapped”

  1. There’s a version of this vid that runs about a minute longer than this where the camera angle goes very low and you get the only shot of Ewa’s bare pussy that I’ve ever seen.

  2. I’m trying to find it again too Ewa lover. Sadly I couldn’t download it the time I saw it. The site scrubbed it and put up the shorter version instead, because clearly somewhere in their agreement with Ewa there’s no pussy. But, hopefully now that they’re producing new content again, they’ll eventually work up to some completely naked shoots with her.


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