Eva Amurri’s Boobs Go to Inglourious Basterds Screening

Yes! It wasen’t long ago that I was complaining that the current roster of busty celebs do a poor job of showing off their talents but here is Eva Amurri doing just that at a screening of Inglourious Basterds!

Her cleavage is just mouth watering hot! Can you imagine sitting next to those boobs while trying to watch a movie? I wouldn’t be able to tell you the plot afterwards, thats for sure.

Nude movie stars: Mr. Skin

Eva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on displayEva Amurri putting big boobs on display

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