Busty Brit Emily Shaw recently sent me a bunch of emails DEMANDING that I remove all photos of her. I figured she quit modeling because thats usually the reason but, here she is once again as Emily Agnes and, posing nude for Playboy! She’s posing as a naughty movie director in the boardroom and even though she looks hot, I think her boobs got smaller?
Pictures from: Playboy Plus
Did you actually delete all of her previous pics? That’d be a shame because they were pretty awesome!
I talked to some shithead of Playboy some days ago, who demandet she and other Playboy-models would change their surnames and use their second names instead, because of stalkers (in America).
I don’t really belive this crap, because who goes out to show her titties, wants to be out in public.
She wants to delete her identity as Emily Shaw now, or at lease Playboy wants to do so, to use her exclusively for Playboy,which is some kind of supreme bu**sh*t…!
@Jeff – Yep
Pic #5 wins the goddam cup!
Although her boob size seems to fluctuate between shoots, they look extraordinarily larger (and her nipples puffier) in the famous Mike Dowson photoshoot.
(Slightly off-topic: judging by the too-good-to-be-true proportions and shapes of his models, I heavily suspect photoshopping, which he denies even touching.)
That’s a real shame! Those pics were EPIC! Especially the set with her nipples cutting through a pink swimsuit like diamonds through glass! Kudos to Playboy for getting lots of video with her though. Although I think her boobs seemed bigger in the earlier shots you had up before.
BTW, are you sure it was her and not someone at the Bunny asking you to take them down? It just seems odd that she’d want them gone if she’s posing nude anyway.
Haha this is great news! I thought ‘Emily Shaw’ had retired which would’ve been such a shame because she is a fucking goddess, good to know she’s just changed her name.
Whatever her name is these days, she’s incredible.
RE: the taken down pics, can’t you put them back up, Nik?