Elvira – the Busty Mistress of the Dark

Its Halloween weekend and I can’t think of a better busty babe to highlight than Elvira for the occasion! If you for some weird reason don’t know who she is, Elvira used to host a horror movie presentation show back in the 80’s called Midnight Madness and she quickly became known as the Queen of Halloween! She also has big boobs and a pretty sweet website.

Aside from being you, except for bigger tits she also has great tit swinging skills!

15 thoughts on “Elvira – the Busty Mistress of the Dark”

  1. If you ever see photos of her in her early days you’ll see that she had one hell of a body and absolutely magnificent tits. I have no idea how old she is, but she’s still smokin’.

  2. I think Hogrock Cafe had a set of pictures of her nude. The site shut down recently, so I can’t check on that. But somewhere I saw some nudes of her and man, that was some body on her.

  3. Man I loved me some Elviva. No the tits are not that big by 2010 standards, but to a 9 year old in the 80s this was a bit of rare sweet candy.

  4. I’d love to get my hands on Linda McCutcheon’s big titties, I have been wanting to suck them for a long time !!


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