Elizabeth Hurley Cleavage in Pink

It’s October which means its Breast Cancer Awareness Month which means that you should donate a dollar or do a walk or do something to support the fight against cancer because any way you slice and dice it.. cancer in any form fucking sucks. Here’s Elizabeth Hurley and her fantastic boobs in a pink dress kicking off the month at the New York Stock Exchange!

When Hollywood goes hardcore: Mr. Skin

Liz Hurley cleavage in a pink dressLiz Hurley cleavage in a pink dressLiz Hurley cleavage in a pink dressLiz Hurley cleavage in a pink dressLiz Hurley cleavage in a pink dressLiz Hurley cleavage in a pink dress

6 thoughts on “Elizabeth Hurley Cleavage in Pink”

  1. Now this is one fine woman! I’de love to party with her. There I go–dreaming again.

    Check out the slobbering trader in the background just creaming his pants. LoL!

  2. I’m not going to check how old she is, but I think if I recall correctly, she was well over 40 years old. Considering that she still looks smoking hot if she were 35 years old, I’m going to have to say, she’s one HOT milf :).

  3. She’s 45. From the looks of it, she’s going to hold up for some time to come. Great looking woman, regardless of age.


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