Donna Jones Got Britians Biggest Natural Boobs

Forget about Rachel Aldana, according to News Of The World, Donna Jones got the biggest boobs in Britain. Each boob weighs about the same as two babies and she wears a massive 40M bra! For some reason I find it hilarious that News Of The World made her wear a bra during the interview.

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36 thoughts on “Donna Jones Got Britians Biggest Natural Boobs”

  1. While what Jeff said is more than likely true, I’d still like to see them without the bra just the same. Call it curiousity if you will.

  2. You know, just because a girl has big tits, doesn’t automatically mean she herself is hot.

    In this case, the woman is a massive ugly pig.

    Stop posting gross shit like this.

  3. Ehhh it’s easy for fat chicks to have huge tits.

    I live in a pretty ghetto part of town, come on by the local grocery and i’ll show you.

  4. Wow a fat chick that also has big fat boobs… Shocker… I have seen plenty of gross fat chicks over the years waddling around and they all have fat boobs that would touch the ground if it weren’t for their huge stomachs getting in the way…

    Now that size.. perky.. and on a hot even average sized woman… That would be more like it…

  5. Ladies, do you have small tits? Well forget silicone implants, there’s an all natural way to boost your breast size – cake! Lots of it. Chocolate éclairs, black forest gateau, jammy doughnuts… and while you’re at it why not try the sausage and chips diet?

    Yup, she is disgusting. No more please!

  6. is Niklas a fan of John Richardson….. ( this was featured on his radio show last week ).

    As far as im aware, the NOTW didnt get the girl to do a shoot, and she wasnt claiming to be a beauty queen. Also, if you dont wanna look at the girl…. then dont.

  7. It’s not beautifulblog..

    It’s interesting if nothing else..

    I’d have a wee look. I’d probably draw the line there..

    You have to say Niklas goes above and beyond the call of duty.

  8. This entire thing about checking out how fat that female is & then feeling grossed out/nauseated, & then complaining about it is beyond my comprehension…. If U guys despise fat women(& I’m sure U blokes knew U r about 2 C a video featuring a female fatso)Y do U even bother checking out the video??I think Mr. Niklas is doing a bloody good job with this blog of his & I wouldn’t b advising him on what he should b posting.

  9. I, unlike you assholes, think she’s a fine looking woman. She’s not ugly. No, she’s not a supermodel, but this is just stupid how damn shallow other men are. Fuck that.

    And yes, Netizen is right. Americans are really off-base. We’re a fat nation, but we want our women to be supermodels too? Ugh.

  10. @ Mynameisnictoo

    What a moronic thing to say……… WOW.

    I guess your lacking in the pants, So you have to have a #ick waving compitition to show how much of a man you are.

    ignorant hillbilly

  11. Get this fucking fat bitch pig out of here…
    Do you have no shame, for posting this shit???
    Let’s put that fat piggy bitch out on an open fire and feast on crackle….
    mmmmmmmm……. CRACKLE!!!!!

  12. What a very comment-ful post. I feel the need to comment on what’s been commented about.
    1) This is BOOBIE blog, not necessarily only-hot-girls-with-big-boobs blog. Just be glad that Niklas doesn’t post any pics of man-boobs, which technically fall in the category…
    2) This video seemed to be just for the spectacle, she sure wasn’t trying to advertise herself as being sexy. But unless she doesn’t mind being criticized, I’m not sure why she agreed to be filmed… Publicity, I suppose.
    3) Netizen, I’d take that bet, because I’d bet that it’s not only Americans who are critical of overweight people, although the irony is not lost on me.
    4) And I would not take Mynameisnictoo’s bet. I believe we’ve pissed off enough countries as it is… All I can say about his comment is: sorry folks. We aren’t all like him.


  13. She should get lipo and a boob reduction. She’s horribly out of shape. Seems like a decent person from the interview, but boy is she going to be sorry when her back and hips start giving out. Nothing sexy about the video, at least to me there’s nothing. I guess some of the chubby chasers might go for it.

  14. fuck you BROWN, this bitch may be a fatass worthless peice of shit but she still has those titties!!! I’d fuck her over Keeley Hazell or Lucy Pinder!!!
    I’ll fuck a fat hoe all day, they give the best head anyways!

  15. Rachel Aldana tits are also nasty looking her tits r way to big both woman r beautiful but i couldnt imagine the problems they gos through every day having them that big or rachel for that matter what could you do with a woman with twins that big i mean come on now most guys look at a woman as just a fuck toy so they look at there physical appearance and that is sad what if those tits were on a guy and they had to carry them around every day for the rest of there lifes they would be pop pain pills like tic-tacs after a while

  16. the dr should of slap white mom and told the dumb bitch to swallow cause he differently a waste of sperm he should of been a stain on some one sheets some place maybe ina motel room some i take it white must set in his parents basement and stroke his field mouse to animal porn well eating cheetos white your just a worthless man just saying

  17. she is a very beautiful woman so she isnt no super model i wouldnt want to be with a super model anyways she is a beautiful bbw i would go out with her if i had the chance to but she is married and lives over seas and you know they say skinny woman are for whimps that cant handle a real woman for the guys out there that like skinny woman i guess you have to throw a dog a bone every now and then peace

  18. The ignorant fucks whining about how ugly and fat they think she is – I don’t recall seeing anywhere that she was trying to win any beauty contests. Furthermore, what kind of shape are you in? Or are you so high and mighty as to believe yourself beyond judgement?


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