Did Shay LaRen get a Boob Job?

Did legendary nude model Shay LaRen get a boob job? She was always known for having one tit bigger than the other, but in the photos below, they look pretty symmetrical! So, did she enhance one of the tits to match the other? I can’t find any concrete evidence that she did get a boob job but it sure looks like it..

Shay LaRen bigger tits

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Shay Laren boob jobShay Laren boob jobShay Laren boob jobShay Laren boob job

7 thoughts on “Did Shay LaRen get a Boob Job?”

  1. looks like she also got the standard plastic face job. all these broads look the same now, they are rolling off the kardashian assembly line. we need to send a terminator back in time to sever that vile blood line


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