It sure looks like it on these photos. We have all seen her topless before, and I cant remember her ever having this kind of cleavage. But then again, with all the wonder bra’s out there its hard to tell. I remember a time when all we had to worry about was if a babe was wearing make up. Now, we have push up bra’s, ass pads, photochops and I dont know what else.
If she has had her titis made bigger, she looks a hell of a lot better, they look feelable !! All she she needs is to sort her hooter out and the unthinkable would happen … Paris Hilton would actually be fuckable !!
Def not a boob job…. just a good bra.
I saw on one of those gossip magazines that she actually had
a boobjob. Only now I got to see the proof and she does look
a lot better. We’ll be waiting for the next “Inside Paris” video
to clear our doubts on the quality of the job =D
I wish she’d gone for a big, dirty great pair of DD’s .. she’d be simply pornstar devine if she’d gone bigger …
looks the same to me, but if she did get a boob job then she’d be even hotter
Needs a boobjob a woman’s worth can be amplified by boobage.