Denise Milani Is An Action Girl

Denise Milani got together with the Action Girls people and that gave us these very hot pics of Denise wearing some sort of black bikini ninja outfit or something. She looks a bit like she could star in a Japanese fighting game.. those chicks got huge tits in small outfits and somehow never get naked either.

Pictures from: Action Girls

Action babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise MilaniAction babe Denise Milani

17 thoughts on “Denise Milani Is An Action Girl”

  1. Now do a side by side comparison with Brandy Robbins. No contest. Denise 1000x > Brandy Robbins. God I would kill for this chick.

  2. They probably have some kind of power that would turn our brains to mush if we viewed them directly. She is just concerned about us humans and just showing us as much as we can handle at the moment. I for one welcome our new big tit beauty overlords.

  3. The thing is she’s still trying to claim that her breasts are natural (does she think she’s fooling *anybody*?), but due to a not-so-great boob job her left nipple points way off to the side (which you can see in some of the her see-through photos). So if she showed her nips she’d finally have to admit that her boobs aren’t natural…which would be the same type of bombshell as Richard Simmons admitting he’s gay.

  4. I totally agree she is ridiculously hot. I don’t think I implied that she’s not. I just think it’s ridiculous for her to try to convince us her boobs are natural, and I think the fact that they aren’t is a big part of why she doesn’t even show them in all their glory.

  5. she’s sick.those boobs look are air can they possibly attract anyone. she’s so boring.

  6. I think it’s funny that someone STILL thinks her boobs are fake. The variety of videos and pictures she’s featured in are more than enough evidence to confirm that they’re real. Fake breasts on pornstars/celebrities/random women in Miami are a dime a dozen and easy to spot. More than that, they don’t move and sit unnaturally on a woman’s chest, defying gravity.

    Denise’s boobs are highly mobile entities (heh). They move, shift, bounce, hang, mash together, what have you. They show a natural amount of sag and give provided how bloody huge they are. I think some people are simply unwilling to believe that a pair of gigantic breasts on an already attractive woman can possibly be natural. Celebrities have access to money, so of course a lot of them use their money to augment their appearances. Not true with all of them, as her slamming body is what caused her to gain fame in the first place.

    And the logic behind ND’s argument regarding why Denise doesn’t show her breasts isn’t as airtight as he’d like to think. She’s a glamor model who is on contract to do only (relatively) clothed photo/video shoots. There isn’t some deep, underlying psychological or devious reasoning why she won’t show off her body, and it certainly isn’t due to the “fact” that her “obvious” boob job is so flawed that it causes one of her nipples to deviate to the one side a tad farther than the other one does.

    What’s more, she probably doesn’t get nude because she knows it teases the shit out of us. Women teasing men (or other women, for that matter) is nothing new. Women do it all the time regardless of their looks, and a woman who is as naturally gifted as Denise knows how crazy it drives the people who leer on her body. If she ever DOES decide to get naked, it’ll be that much sweeter. You don’t have to be a genius to work that out.

    If she ever does unleash the girls, it’ll confirm the already well-known fact that they’re real. I say again, watch how they move, mold, shake, sag, bounce, compress, and sway as she moves and poses. Real breasts don’t behave that way, and they don’t defy physics the way fake breasts do.

    I guess there will always be non-believers, and within each of them, there is an unrelenting skeptic who, for deep, underlying psychological reasons of their own, refuse to accept the natural physical giftedness of another person.

  7. tired of this fucking cock-tease bitch too. and ayem, moron, you have too much time !! shit go read a book or something

  8. Oh, I’m terribly sorry for responding to a comment. My moronic tendencies got the best of me and I stupidly felt the need to actually discuss something. My bad.

  9. Ayem, Afgan is offended by logical thought and those who pose greater arguments than he does. You should know better than to post well thought-out responses on the internet. Learn bettar.

    On a side note, not getting nude leaves more to the imagination. Which is nice if you like to use your brai–oh shi–!

  10. Fair enough. Not like I was yammering about Shakespeare, though. My behemoth comment was centered on Denise Milani’s behemoth/awesome breasts, and tits in general.

    If I can’t discuss boob philosophy on boobie blog…. where can I discuss it?! Answar me!

  11. afgan, ur reply to ayem was fekn ridiculous funny well true lad, ayem ur problem is m8 that youve got TOO much time on your hands and could do with getting out more instead of sitting in typing up these comments. everyone is entitled to their own opinion and urs was proven but seriously u cud at least just think a little more about what it would be if you DID get out more. or at least sit there and jerk one out to the piccies instead of sitting talking about me m8 (Y)

  12. well, i must say, ayem, you are a sad fuck, you need help, i dont care if its you getting bricked or having her tits shoved in your face, why dont you try getting a life instead of just wasting your life on this site, now i must say, i do visit this side, but not with enough time to write up ones autobiography
    now, why dont you get a life, instead of jsut ruining peoples “enjoyment”
    now from that, i could just picture you as a sad fat old man who still hasnt lost his virginity
    when you loose it, please come back an put something much much better
    an feel free to have a go at me for my punctuation


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