Daphne Joy Topless Accidentally on SnapChat!?

According to the internet, this is a topless shot of Daphne Joy which she supposedly posted public on SnapChat by accident when it was meant to be sent privately to someone! With the flash covering her face its really hard to tell if its her or not but it certainly could be!

Daphne Joy topless SnapChat

6 thoughts on “Daphne Joy Topless Accidentally on SnapChat!?”

  1. im sorry bout do you “accidently” take a naked pic of yourself,,
    thats like saying a sextape “accidently” got leaked

  2. @ blue

    yep. Its hard to take an accidental naked selfie. But its farily easy to hit the wrong send button. Just about everybody has hit ‘reply all’ instead of ‘reply’ or sent something to the wrong contact or made some other embarrassing error. Usually not involving a topless selfie … but this type of mistake happens all the time.

  3. puhleez,, these so called stars don’t accidentally post or take naked selfies
    if you are half way paying attention, you wouldnt send pics like this to wrong people
    she knew what she was doing when she stood naked in front of a mirror with a camera in hand and i bet she knew what she was doing when she it send
    not sure how snapchat works or its app, but she knew what she was doing


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