In a brilliant marketing move, Daphne Joy is literally spilling out of her dress at the flagship store opening for I’d rather shop myself into Daphne’s cleavage if I could, because that is just a bottomless pit of motorboating goodness right there!
She’s a pretty girls with big boobs but, she’s not exceptionally gorgeous or anything. She does make me exceptionally horny for some reason I can’t quite figure out.
“not exceptionally gorgeous”? lolwut
She’s leagues above Kim K or the Kim K clone in the green dress that she’s posing with in pics 4 and 5.
Reminds me of Tia Carrere a bit.
Perhaps you can list your “gorgeousometer” scores Niklas? From absolute munter to exceptionally super gorgeous so that we can work out where exceptionally gorgeous sits? If its an 8.5 or 9 out of 10 then she is exceptionally gorgeous is she not?
A great video of her with way more cleavage:
Is 50 Cent still tapping that?
She is 58,000 times hotter than that pig Kim K. And she’s not fat. “Me Rikey, Vely Much!”
She’s definitely drop dead gorgeous, too bad the moment she opens her mouth I want to run away.
The moment she opens her mouth, you unzip your pants.
Gorgeous bit of eye candy but don’t speak. Only open your mouth to Suck me off. If she has got a spare few minutes. She can do so now….