Dani Mathers Might Go to Prison!

Mad at Dani Mathers

Remember the story of Playboy girl Dani Mathers getting into trouble for SnapChatting a naked woman in the locker room at a gym in LA? Click here if you missed it.

LAPD has tracked down the woman in the photograph, and she has decided to press charges. The crime is called dissemination of private images, which I assume is fancy talk for leaking nudes? According to TMZ, the victim is “more than willing to testify and cooperate in any way she can to bring Mathers to justice.”

Mathers lawyer Tom Mesereau, told the New York Daily News that his client “never tried to hurt anyone at any time, and certainly never tried to break any law.” If Dani is convicted she could face up to six months in jail.

7 thoughts on “Dani Mathers Might Go to Prison!”

  1. Hopefully, she goes to prison.

    If that does happen, she might whine and pout like the entitled brat she is but in the end, she’ll easily be able to return back to her lifestyle.

    Whereas, the victim might be afraid to go to the gym ever again for fear of being judged or humiliated.

    Also, it’s kind of sad to see that today’s playmates are these bimbo plastic people with horrible personalities. The girls they picked back in the 60s-80s were much classier.

  2. Everyone gets what he or she deserves in the and. She is a body-shaming slut. Nobody is allowed to post nude photos of someone else without permission. And btw we know, that Miss Matthers had more then one surgery to look the way she looks now. Nobody would have looked at her when she goes without faked tits, a new nose and without make-up.
    Give her to me. I know what to do…..

  3. Well done! Hope this bitch goes to the dog house and gets a good ole spankin for being such a brat!

  4. Everything in life is bought and paid for, one way or another. She shouldn’t complain, because she got what she wanted. Fame, if fleeting. Now she’s going to pay for that 15 minutes. As others have said. Tough shit. You wanted it, now you got it. Enjoy.


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